Brand Questionnaire

    In order for us to do our part in properly building or building upon your brand, we need to understand your brand’s roots.

    So sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and please answer these questions for your business to the best of your ability.

    And then watch as the magic happens.

    Your Information

    Your Business

    Your Competitors

    Your Marketplace

    Your Essence

    Your Brand Attributes


    Your Business’ Style


    *illustrative birds and graphic concept created by Jefferson Pascual

    Your Logo

    No changes to current logoEvolve the current logoCreate new logo with a nod to the oldCreate a whole new logo

    Your Inspiration

    Your SWOT Analysis

    A SWOT Analysis can help you think about the strengths you possess, weaknesses you’re experiencing, opportunities not yet realized, and potential threats in your way. Please fill this out as detailed as you see fit.

    Thank you for submitting your brand questionnaire.

    When you partner with us, you’re working with a studio that is different from the rest—a company that is deeply committed to understanding your brand’s unique personality.

    This is a critical step; in fact, this is quite possibly the most critical step in the process.

    Cheers to you and we’ll be in touch soon!